Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gobble Gobble Gobble....

Turkey Day came and went and did i get to enjoy any of the food? NO! All i got was this turkey on my head and a taste of whipped cream on my lips. Next year, I can't wait to try that bird, with stuffing, green beans, some more bird.......some more stuffing.....

Izzy and Fletch

I met my first boyfriend, Fletch! He was super cute and only a couple months older than I!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Developmental Milestones

Today I am two months old and 12 days. I have an innate ability to grasp objects, but they say it will take at least a year to develop the coordination to pick up and hold things securely in my hands. (We will see if it will be sooner than that!) I started wrapping my hands around my baby bottle and holding it AND daddy just taught me how to hold this colorful cube!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


When I was younger, my dad and I would take a trip out of the suburbs into the big city, and BOY did I look forward to it. An hour later in the car and BOOM - there was the beautiful skyline - my heart would skip a bit and I would get excited. I LOVED our trips to the city! We would leave early in the morning and hit the fresh fish market first. We got crab legs, then we were off to Stanley's - the fruit and vegetable market. It was brightly lit and had EVERYTHING imaginable - just fruit and veggies. It was like a candy store only BETTER. Sometimes, they had chocolate covered strawberries OR caramel covered apples and I would get one of those as a treat. Lastly, heading out of the city, I was treated to a CHICAGO style hotdog. And boy were they YUMMY - with a capital Y. I inhaled it each and everytime.

Oddly enough, years later, turns out I live a couple of miles away from Stanley's and everytime I walk through those doors, I think of dad and our trips to the city. Who would know that after all this time, I would frequent a place often visited.
Over the summer, we were spoiled, I didn't have to make a single trip to Stanley's. My dad grew the most amazing garden EVA and we were treated to fresh goodies - you name it - he sent us home with okra, pears, tomatos, lettuce, onions, jalepenos, eggplant, peppers, peaches, pumpkins, cabbage, cherry tomatos and the list goes on and on.

I just got home from my first trip to Stanleys after a long summer of goodies out of the garden. I have to admit, the goodies from Stanleys don't taste as good as out of the garden - if only we could have warm weather all year round!

Even BAXIE loves vegetables!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Somebody just learned to SMILE and LAUGH

Izzy meets Syd

Izzy finally got to meet her cousin Sydney from Cali and Syd absolutely fell in love! She was eager to push her cousin Izzy around in the stroller while walking around Millennium Park and just keep yelling "Izzy Izzy Izzy!" They are 7 years apart and I have to wonder, is that how Piggy fell in love with Kermie?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Vote....

I vote for more scooby snacks, longer naps without izzy disrupting the peace, unlimited quality cuddle time AND lots of toys!
love baxter

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...