Sunday, February 10, 2013

Isabella's Celebration

Today we celebrated Isabella because it marked a very special moment in time.  Let me take you back.  Isabella was fully potty trained a little before the age of 3, however we could not get her to stop wetting the bed. After several weeks of washing her sheets and changing her bedding daily, I had decided that she should wear a pull-up to bed.

About three weeks ago, I told Isabella to go upstairs, put her pajamas on, brush her teeth and put a pull-up on.  When I arrived upstairs, she had her pajamas on and had brushed her teeth.  With her big eyes, she looked at me and said "Mommy, I don't want to wear a pull-up to bed, I don't need it." 

With a little hesitation, I listened and said OKAY, no pull-up.  Off to bed she went.

3 weeks later, she has not wet the bed once and we felt she deserved a reward for such an accomplishment!  So we took her to lunch at her favorite place - Portillo's and we even let her pick out a new toy as a reward.  She picked out a pair of sunglasses, a cell-phone, a debit card and a purse.  Additionally, she picked out a musical keyboard for Giselle - because Giselle loves music.  (We were all the way through the store and Bella said, Mommy - we should buy a present for Baby G too!  I smiled and said GREAT IDEA ISABELLA!)  She was SOOOO EXCITED and we tell her daily how proud of her we are.  Keep up the good work Bella!  YOU ROCK!

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