Monday, June 22, 2009

here FISHY FISHY.....

Isabella Marie had her first swimming experience this past weekend and by her actions, I think she loved it. They say that as young as 5 days old, babies are being taught the initial steps for learning to swim. Babies are used to being surrounded by water and will take to swimming easier than a child who is older. Who knew? The older kids develop fears and inhibitions and sometimes these fears can already have taken hold by ten to fifteen months of age.

When newborn babies learn the art of swimming they exercise new muscles, strengthen the brain, and bond even more quickly with the parents. Studies have shown that babies who've learned to swim very early developed advanced motor skills, social skills and often - a slightly higher intelligence level. Babies who have learned to swim as an infant are also more likely to walk quicker than babies that didn't.

Babies have a mammal-like instinct when it comes to going underwater - they automatically hold their breath. Other techniques involve blowing in the baby's face just before going under the water. The quick rush of air in the baby's face causes them to "catch" their breath and as you go under they will automatically hold it.

Keep up the good work Izzy!

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