Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Clown

who only kept her hat on for exactly 30 seconds.....Some parents even asked me....WHAT is she SUPPOSED to be? A CLOWN I SAY!!!

Izzy the Clown

Tonight after work, the big girl and I ventured off to GYMBOREE to celebrate Halloweenie. They had a costume party for all of the 30 kiddies. Izzy was a clown. We saw pumpkins, NEMO the fish, a shark, a clapper, a chicken, a lamb, minnie mouse and WOW....some of these parents really go all out. Some parents were so intense with their cameras...that they missed the action and the reindeer games with their little ones. Here is a small clip of Izzy enjoying herself - even though big girl got her H1N1 shot today - she again proves to be a trooper....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Isabella is WALKING

Isabella is walking and LOTS of talking. She is a year and almost two months old now and here are the words she uses frequently: doggie, baxie, molly, ma-ma, daddy, cat, birdy, ducky, quack-quack, cookie, cracker, keys, juice, thank you, pretty, good, booty(?!), bye, hi, bear, pig, clap, and sit (at times, it can sound like shit). Everyday brings a new surprise with a SMILE : ) Check out the video of her walking halfway across the room!

Baxie Takes On Galena

It's been awhile since we have done a post on Baxie!! Over the weekend, we took Baxie on a road trip to Galena and he loved the fresh air and fall colors. He got to be free for a day and a half without a leash, got to explore fresh smells, and just RUN! He was smiling from ear to ear the entire time. The vet said he gained about five pounds, so maybe by now, he may have lost 2 pounds.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sydney & Isabella

A cousin is a ready-made friend for LIFE! Sydney flew into Chi-town and spent some time with her cuz Isabella and BOY did she love up on her. The two of them played endlessly for hours and really enjoyed each others company. Isabella misses you Syd!! XOXOXOX

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

There's a She Wolf in the Closet

In an everyday exercise to try and get Isabella closer to walking - we have daily walking sessions with the lion. It seems to help her and if you watch the video until the end - you can see what she does when her NEW favorite song comes on the radio!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...