Saturday, March 02, 2019

Giselle - Star Student of the Week & More

We are super proud of Giselle, as she was chosen out of her class as "Star Student Of The Week!"  The school chooses Star Students based on excellent behavior and it is also an opportunity for the other students to learn more about one another.  Giselle colored, attached pictures and wrote more about herself on a paper hot air balloon.  Here is what Giselle wants YOU to know about HER.....

Greatest Talent:  Dance
Favorite Subject In School:  Math
Famous Person She Would Like To Meet:  Katy Perry
If I Could Have One Wish Granted It Would Be:  Go on a Disney Cruise
My Happiest Memory:  Disney World
Favorite Book:  Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss  (My favorite too when I was little!)
Favorite Food:  Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
If The Whole World Was Listening To ME, What Would I Say?:  Be Kind and Be Respectful

I had the pleasure of being invited to her classroom to be a "mystery reader."  The students had no idea I was coming! I arrived and they all sat around in a circle and I read them two books of their choice.  After wards, Giselle presented her hot air balloon to myself and her classmates.  It made Giselle's day that I could share her special moment in the spotlight with her.  We couldn't be more proud! 

Giselle displaying her Balloon - "All about Giselle" - 2nd Grade

Secondly, Giselle tried out playing basketball for the first time ever.  Usually, she plays soccer, however she wanted to try out a new sport.  Maybe because her big sister plays basketball?  For her first season, she did great!  Her favorite position to play on the team was point guard.  In case ya all don't know what the point guard player does in basketball, they are the back court player who directs the team's offense.

We finished up the basketball season and the team was awarded a trophy.  I asked Giselle if she wanted to continue playing basketball next year and she said YES!  Now that basketball is over for Giselle, she is EXCITED to play soccer for the Spring season, 2019.

Giselle's FIRST season as a Basketball Player and her TROPHY!

Giselle and her 2018/2019 basketball team

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