Thursday, November 01, 2012

Halloween 2012

Isabella was a flower princess and Baby G was a butterfly princess but you would never know it with all of the layering that we have to do in this cold, Chicago weather.  Trick or treat hours were from 3-7 p.m., so we dressed up the girls and out we went.
The neighbor, Allyson drove all us all around our area with the golf cart, which was really nice considering the girls don't last very long walking.  Traditionally, the girls last about an hour trick or treating.
This year, it was really cute to see Baby G and her transformation.  Last year, she didn't even know how to say TRICK or TREAT.  This year, she RAN to the houses, Bella rang the doorbell and then they both yelled TRICK OR TREAT.  As soon as Baby G received her candy, she said THANK YOU and BA BYE.
Many households I talked to commented on how their kids were grown and they no longer had little ones to take around the block...and they seemed after several parents had said that to me, it was at that moment, that I REALIZED, that I was going to take all of it in and enjoy every moment.  Bob and I are at the front end of life, where we have little ones and we don't necessarily think about when the kids are older and everything that it entails.
After we went out trick or treating, we went to Allyson's where everyone from the block was invited.  We had homemade chili, corn bread, appetizer's, desserts and cocktails.
What a fun Halloween and we look forward to many more!!!!  Enjoy the pictures.


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