Thursday, March 31, 2016

Isabella and Giselle are GOING TO......

Isabella and Giselle are heading out to Disney World and they don't even know it!'s a SURPRISE!!  I am beyond excited for them!  I CAN'T WAIT to see their eyes sparkle!  Isabella has been to Disney World when she was 6 years old with Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chug, however Giselle has NEVER been.  AND I have been hearing about it weekly from BLONDIE for almost 2 years now!
So I packed up the car and we are heading out on our adventure!  They keep asking me WHERE we are going and I keep telling them:  VACATION!  We are going on an ADVENTURE.  ENJOY and EMBRACE every moment!

They both secretly think we are heading back to ARUBA because I packed swim suits and sunscreen.  LITTLE do they know what AWAITS their little eyes and ears.......
First stop - NASHVILLE.  Awwwwwww cowboy boots are packed : ) Next UP....Disney World for two days!  After that.....DRUM ROLL please......Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chugs house in Venice, also a surprise to the girls.  They are going to be ECSTATIC!  And I am secretly excited to see my parents too after 6 months of not seeing them! 

Big shout out to daddy....who made this magical experience even possible!  Who planned out everything from where we are eating, what we are going to do, to where we are staying (hey, I DID book Nashville!)   LOOK at these MAGICAL bands we get to wear - I am told they do everything from opening your hotel door to getting to the front of that line at DW! So thankful we are afforded the opportunity to go and make magical memories with our girls!  STAY TUNED........  IT'S GOING TO BE AN INCREDIBLE VACATION!

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