Thursday, March 24, 2016

Two Little Girls

Two little girls.  Two different schools.  Two completely different musicals.  This week we had the pleasure of attending two spring musicals for Giselle and Isabella!  At Mary Sears, Giselle performed in her spring musical singing several different Easter songs.  I cherished every moment and felt as if the musical flew by super fast.  This is Giselle's last year attending Mary Sears and this was her very last musical.  She has a dance recital in a few months and then she is done!  Giselle has attended Mary Sears since she was 3 months old, now she is 5 and she will be off to kindergarten this year!  Here is a video of her singing the Easter bunny song and also a photo of Giselle and Isabella after the musical.

Isabella performed at Schilling school in the musical "Circus, Circus."  It was cute to see 75 plus little first graders dressed as lions, acrobats, tight rope walkers, mice, elephants and vendors!  Miss Isabella was a CLOWN for the performance.  There were about five scenes to the performance and I was able to capture a video of Isabella singing "Sad Clown."  Isabella and Giselle did a great job!

1 comment:

  1. These videos & pictures are great!!! Love the "sad" clown and bunny hops from the two of them!


FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...