Tuesday, August 30, 2016

And SO IT BEGINS……The First Day of Kindergarten for Giselle and 2nd Grade for Isabella

Last Monday, August 22nd was the first day of kindergarten for Giselle and 2nd grade for Isabella at Schilling School.  Which, by the way, I recently learned that in Will County, Luther J. Schilling School rated as number 7 as the Top 10 Elementary Schools!!  As a parent, that is exciting to learn and know your children are in a good school because we always want the best for our little ones that we hold dear to our heart.

Back to the first day of school.  For the first time in 8 years, I would be kid free.  All day.  Everyday.  I was NERVOUS.  Giselle?  BEYOND EXCITED.  The night before, she packed her own lunch without being asked.  She set her school bag by the back door with her tennis shoes and socks laying in front of it.  EVEN placed her outfit in the bathroom.  She couldn’t WAIT to ride that school bus with her big sister Isabella for the very FIRST time in her life.  She even spoke to me about how excited she was to meet and make new friends.  Isabella?  EXCITED.  Once she saw how excited Giselle was, the competitive side came out in her.  She observed Giselle being prepared and organized and decided maybe she should do all of those things too.  And she did.    

And the morning came.  We did what all parents do.  Take the first day of school picture with our children outside and see them off on the bus.  Giselle was so excited at the bus stop that she started running to get on.  I had to yell, “Giselle, can mommy have a hug and a kiss good-bye?!”  “PLEASE.” Isabella gave me big hugs and kisses and said, “Mommy, I am really going to miss you.  I don’t want to go!”

While I didn’t cry as I waved and watched the bus drive away, I did say the words out loud to myself… "You’re taking my little ones away. Both of them.  Bring them back!”  They both had a great first week at school and I love seeing their excitement each and every day.  I have even noticed that because they are not together as often during the day, they work as a team more when they are home.  WHICH IS AWESOME.  Isabella is really looking out for her little sister and I couldn't be more proud!

As a parent of young kids, it feels like there’s a constant conveyor belt of things that have to get done.  If we’re not helping to get the children changed, dressed or fed, we’re getting ourselves ready for work, running errands, taking kids to appointments, activities, birthday parties.  Even in the summer, when we try to keep things as unscheduled as possible, there are always things that you have (and want) to do.  Quality family time, making dinner, bathing children, reading stories and asking about their day.  By the end of the day, there is exhaustion.  Maybe one of this girls are having a bad day.  Perhaps there was an emergency with the house.  There’s the non-stop juggling of time.  All of this on top of shaping young lives.   Raising little girls to be women is a FULL-TIME job on its own.

With the start of school for both of my children, gone was knowing how I would spend my time.  It’s the 2nd week of school and would you believe several friends have said to me…. So Sandy, NOW is the time!!  YOUR TIME.  To go back to work full-time and be a successful career woman again.  Like you were before!  HA HA HA!!  I think to myself. 

I already work part-time.  I’m knee-deep in parenting little kids who need me full-time.  This stage of life doesn’t last forever.  Giselle and Isabella will quickly grow up and need me less.  As unglamorous as this sounds to others, TO ME.  It sounds pretty darn GLAMOUROUS and I want to HOLD ON TO IT.  GONE are those 13 hour days as a “career woman” in the office.  I want to remember their sweet little laughs, I want to be there to pick them up if they fall, I want to be able to have and be afforded the availability to volunteer at their school.  I want to soak up this time when they think I’m the best, most fun and hilarious human that ever graced this earth.   And I will continue to do “just” THAT.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

No Cavities!

Why not commemorate milestones in dental health with Recognition Certificates!  Isabella and Giselle just had their 6 month cleaning at the dentist.  They were rewarded with a certificate for their achievement in valor while encouraging them to continue down a path of excellent oral health care!!  Yeah!  Good job ladies!  Keep up the good work! 

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...