Sunday, September 04, 2016

September 1, 2016

September is starting out to be a GREAT month!  It was the morning of September 1st around 8:30 a.m. and I had just finished washing and vacuuming my car.  As I was getting ready to get back in my car, I noticed a penny, HEADS side up!  It made MY DAY.  At that moment in time, I thought, it’s going to be a great day!  A great month! 

Finding a penny is considered good luck!  So what did I do?  I passed that penny along to someone else the same day to share the good luck.  And would you believe later that day, as Isabella was walking home from the school bus, she found a penny heads side up to!  And without even knowing about the luck of the penny, I heard her give it to her sister in the back seat of the car.  GOLDEN!

The sky was so beautiful and magical on September 1st.  When the girls got off the bus from school, I said LET’s GO TO THE PARK.  Once we were there and playing for quite some time, it started getting really windy.  And then it dawned on me.  I have KITES in the back of my car!  They had only been sitting in the back for about 4 months.  So WHY NOT?  What had I been waiting for?  A windy day??!!  The girls and I had a magical afternoon.  Between finding pennies.  The beautiful weather.  The park after school.  And then flying kites!  What really made September 1st was the RAINBOW we saw in the sky on the way home from the park.  MAGICAL I say.  Just MAGICAL!

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