Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Daddy Daughter Dance

On Friday, March 10th, the girls attended the "Daddy Daughter Dance" at Schilling school.  It was Giselle's very first daddy daughter dance!  Dad may get to take them, however I get the honor of helping them get ready.  Watching them twirling in front of the mirror.  Curling their hair.  Painting their nails.  Helping them apply lip gloss and powder.  And giving them each one of my special pearl necklaces to wear to the dance.  Well, okay, a squirt of perfume for each too!  By the time I finished glamming them up for their big date with daddy, they were smiling from ear to ear and strutting their beautiful outfits!
Before they left for the evening, I captured a photo of the three of them.  Or should I say the four of them?  You know....the furry big guy who anytime you say the word PHOTO, he magically pops in and poses for the camera - BAXTER!!  I think Prince was sleeping on the couch and Baxter is still training him on how to photo BOMB any picture.  I don't think Prince gets it though : )
The girls had a great time at their daddy daughter dance that was complete with crafts, dancing and eating.  Isabella shared a dance with daddy.  Giselle was off being a "socialite" with all of her new friends. 

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...