Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Fall School Pictures

Recently, the girls had their fall pictures at school.  Up until this year, whenever I found out it was picture day at school, I would go out shopping and buy the girls a new outfit, just for picture day.  I always wanted them to take the perfect picture and look and feel their best.  I would do their hair for them in the morning and even let them wear lip gloss. 

When they had their spring pictures at school this year, I had so much going on at that time, that I completely missed picture day!  The girls came home from school and said "MOMMY!  Today was picture day!!"  My first thought was GREAT, I missed picture day.  How could I have done that?  They didn't have a new outfit, and I didn't style their hair for them.  To my surprise, when they came home with the spring pictures, I LOVED them.  Their personalities were shining through in those pictures.  It was at that moment, that I told myself, everything doesn't have to be perfect all of the time.  They don't need that new outfit just for picture day.  I changed my perspective on picture day and now live by the rule that the girls, can pick their own outfit out for picture day.  And if they ask me to style their hair, I will, but I will not force doing their hair.
They say a picture speaks a thousand words.  I was pleasantly surprised with what Giselle decided to do for picture day.  Maybe you will be surprised too.  At the end of the day, again their personalities have shined through in their pictures.  Giselle is sometimes impulsive and her smile warms my heart.  Isabella's caring nature shines through her picture and her style and beauty are timeless.  Until next picture day!!!!

3rd Grade Fall Pictures

1st Grade Fall Pictures

Friday, October 13, 2017

Giselle lost her FIRST tooth, Okay, well maybe TWO..

On September 22, 2017 (Our 10th Wedding Anniversary), Giselle lost her very FIRST TOOTH!  We had just finished watching our wedding DVD as we always do on our anniversary and then we had a super special SURPRISE!  Giselle came downstairs with her very first tooth missing in her hand!  We were excited because she was excited to get a visit from the tooth fairy! 

Then on October 7th, she lost her second tooth!  Both teeth were right next to each other on the lower section of her mouth.  The tooth fairy visited her twice!  Here is a picture of my toothless Giselle!

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Last weekend, we participated in the Homer Pride annual Color Run.  It was our second year participating in the 5K run and we enjoy getting out there and having some fun while raising money to enhance our districts 33C education.  It's a great way to start our Sunday morning that benefits a good cause.

Out of all of us, I am not sure who enjoys the run more.  Me or Giselle.  She gets out there and gives me a run for my money, that's for sure!!

Here are a few pictures from our run on a beautiful fall morning.

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...