Thursday, February 27, 2020

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions......

From the gateway, I have always told my girls, that at any given moment in time, they can always come and talk to me about ANYTHING.  To always be proud, never be scared, fearful, nervous, shy or ashamed.  There is never a stupid question and I ALWAYS have a listening ear and will never pass judgement.  As Forest Gump says in the movie, "My momma always said, Life was like a box of chocolates,  you never know what your gonna get."

And boy is Forest's mothers quote ever so correct!  You never know what your going to get, on any given day.  The other day, Isabella came to me and asked me to take her to get her hair cut short.  I told her, sure, I will talk it over with daddy and think about it, but meanwhile, google pictures of how you want your haircut and show me.  She came back with pictures and she wanted her hair cut above her ears.  The same exact day, Giselle (who is 9 years old) came to me and wanted her ears pierced.  "Mommy!!!  All of my friends have their ears pierced and I want mine done too!!" 

There we are....back to decisions, decisions, decisions.......  We do have to pick our battles in life.  Large or Small. Daddy voted no on Isabella's haircut (he likes long hair) and no on Giselle's ear pierced.  Mommy voted yes to Isabella's haircut (hair does grow back after all and it is our own personal decision) and no to Giselle's ear piercing (you can't fix a pierced hole).

Check out Isabella's before and after of her haircut!  She got 6 1/2 inches cut off and feels super refreshed!  Swimming in chlorine water all summer long really damages the hair and she got a clean break and looks super cute!  Who doesn't after a fresh haircut, right?!  Even her new girl, Lily loves it and is enjoying while she plays the flute. know the old adage about hair right?  They say "When a woman changes her hair, pay attention; she's about to change her life.......   (Can't wait to see what beautiful changes you make Bella!)

As for Giselle, the only ear decorations she is getting for now is earmuffs.  See picture below.  There is no rush on getting holes in her ears.  She is 9 years old.  She is an active gymnast, soon to be an Olympian medalist and jewelry interferes with performance.  We will let her make that decision when she gets a little bit older, but for now, preserve your youth little one and don't just do something because everyone else is. XOXOXO

Front Before

Front After

Back after

6 1/2 inches cut off

Lily loves Bella's new haircut and flute playing

Giselle - Ear muffs

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...