Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Angel is back....

Change her diaper. Check. Swaddle her. Check. Play some music. Check. Feed her. Check. Burp her. Check. Put her in the swing. Check. Put her in the cradle. Check. Sing to her. Check. The last couple of days, Izzy has not been so happy. FUSSY. Crying two straight days ALL DAY and nothing satisfies her. You ask yourself - what is wrong? After two straight days of crying, we called the doctor and he suggested we switch formula. Initially, we knew that Bob's family had to have soy formula, however Izzy seemed to be doing fine on the regular formula, so we thought we were okay. WRONG. Within hours of feeding her, she seemed more calm, sleeps more and doesn't fuss as much.

All in all - so far so good with this new lactose free formula and we are happy not to have a fuss bucket on our hands. Our angel is back, bless her heart...................


  1. Glad to hear the switch worked. We had to put our twins on lactose free too. Gavin is on the Enphamil purple can (for gassy babies) and Evie is on the Similac orage can (for gassy babies). Blog looks great!

  2. thanks for the comment! we ended up having to switch again, but i think we got it now!

    hope all is well!


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