Friday, September 19, 2008

If you can't BEAT em' - JOIN em'!

At first, I didn't know what to do with myself when my owners came home with this thing that cryed (izzy)- which by the way, really hurts my ears. But then, it dawned on me what to do. Here is what I have been doing:
I made strangers on the streets of Chicago feel sorry for me. When cowboy would take me for a walk, I alternated between choking and coughing every time a strange human walked by. If that didn't work, I would start limping and YIPING really loud.

I showed independence. When cowboy called me, I took my time. I walked as slowly as possible back to him. HA HA!!

I acted like a convicted criminal. When cowboy came home, I put my ears back, tail between my legs, chin down and I acted as if I did something really bad. I then watched as those jokers frantically searched the house for the damage they think I caused. (I did absolutely nothing wrong.)
And my favorite trick was............. I took charge at bath time. After they gave me a bath, I DIDN'T LET THEM TOWEL DRY me! Instead, I ran onto to their bed after Kermitz just washed the sheets, I jumped up and I dryed myself off! I thought I was doing them a favor, but needless to say, I didn't get a treat that night! (By the way, I made sure I did it right before their bedtime too!)

I think they caught on to me, so I decided to play nice. See that picture up above? It's ME - laying on the "boppy" pillow (whatever that silly name of a thing is!). The picture above shows that I am making an active effort to get to know IZZY better. Today, I joined in on "stimulation time" (again, WHATEVER that is!!)

Till next time................

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