Tuesday, March 10, 2009

6 months and going strong

Today Isabella had her 6 month check up and she weighs 19 pounds and some ounces - very close to 20 pounds. The doc said she looks like a million bucks and is a happy baby! What are some of the new things she has been into or doing? Last week we introduced green beans. This week we introduced carrots. Maybe next week will be peas. We have so many fun vegetables left to try - then we can incorporate fruit. Because the fruit is so sweet, it is better to try all of the vegetables first otherwise she will only want sweet things to eat - and we don't want a sugar baby!! I am super excited about Isabella trying new vegetables (because I love veggies) and it is neat to steam something different each week and watch her reaction to them!

6 months is a great age - she loves everyone, is happy, and smiles and laughs uncontrollably. Her eye coordination rocks - she will follow you around a room with her eyes from person to person. "Kick a Kick a gus" is almost ready to crawl, but still has a ways to go. No teeth yet.

1 comment:

  1. When my boys didn't like some of the vegetables I put it on the spoon and stuck the tip of the spoon into fruit. They took it immediately.

    Pat W I work with Grandma Vail


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