Friday, July 24, 2009

What is it with the DUCKS?

Izzy is infatuated with yellow, rubber ducks. We own 8 ducks and each one is slightly different than the next. Each time she sees them, she lights up like a Christmas tree, makes a funny face and says "gook" "gook." So naturally, every time I see a duck, I feel the need to purchase it. Somebody should just right SUCKER on my forehead right now. How did this infatuation start you ask? The protective rubber duck that covers the spout in the bathtub, so the baby does not hit his/her head or hurt themselves. She stares at it everytime she gets a bath and THAT is how she fell in the love with what....THE RUBBER DUCK. I saw this duck in the store a couple of weeks ago and I came home and told Bob about it. At first, I refrained myself from buying it. I said - Sandy, Izzy has enough ducks - this one is just a little bit different than her others. She does not need another duck. And my thought process worked - for a week. I started thinking about that silly duck again and how much she would like it because it was different than the others! Well, it got the best of me. I rationalized going to look at the duck again because I felt she needed more "educational" toys - toys to promote her hand-eye coordination, toys to stimulate and promote creativity. I bought the duck, along with this other educational caterpillar looking thing that has to be put together, makes sounds and lights up. Do you think she likes it?

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