Monday, August 24, 2009

Spi deeeee.....

My prediction for Isabella to start walking was 25 days from my last post - I have to go back and look, but she is SUPER CLOSE to walking....anyone want to take dibs on when the date will be?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday Fundays......

Baxie the Bold

When Baxter gets jealous of us playing with Isabella, he does rebellious things. Here is a picture of me catching him in action yesterday - ripping a hole in his pillow and spreading the stuffing everywhere!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allergic or Lactose?

Will she be lactose intolerant? The doc said a few months back that at 11 months, we could start mixing whole milk with Izzy's formula. So we did just that, about three weeks ago and then we went to just straight milk. It was fine for the first week and a half - just like it was when she was born - but then the effects starting kicking in. She would drink her bottle and within 10 minutes it would run out the other end.
I ran to the doctors office frantically by myself and begged the receptionist to let me see the doc in between her patients. They let me see her and the doc told me to put her back on the formula and try rice milk in a few weeks.
I still have not tried the rice milk - she is still drinking straight formula. At 12 months, you are to ween the baby off of the formula and just give whole milk. Izzy is only a couple weeks away from that.
Next week, I will try rice milk and hope hope hope that it works.
Family health history is important. Bob's mother was raised on goat's milk. I am anxious to find out if Izzy is allergic to milk or lactose intolerant - the doc also said we may have to send Iz to an allergist at 15 months if this persists. We shall see!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

What's New with Doctor Izzy?

playing, laughing, enjoying the summer weather, visiting Lincoln Park Zoo for story time, climbing the stairs like mad, close to walking - I predict 25 days, loving up on her pup Baxie, dancing to music, understanding what good-bye and hello mean and using it frequently, drinking whole milk and almost off of the formula, teething - 6 teeth total so far in her mouth, not liking clothes so much, splashing in the bathtub and in her pool like it's going out of style, still loving rubber duckies, and batting her long eyelashes.

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...