Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Beach

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day in downtown CHI town. Not a cloud in the sky. So, we headed to the beach. It was a big hit with Baxie. He acted like a kid in the candy store - running playfully, swimming in lake michigan, and chilling out. Right up my alley!
Isabella - not so much. I spread a blanket out for her and she didn't want to move off of the blanket. She was not a big fan of the sand or lake michigan. She was VERY NEEDY at the beach. Crying, frowning, making faces at the sand? WHAT???!!!
I keep trying to believe that I don't have a "girlie girl" on my hands - but all the signs are leading to it. OR, I could in fact be wrong - and perhaps next year, everything from eating cake to hanging out at the beach will become "IN."
We shall see..... I think I was a tomboy growing up - so if I have a girlie girl - what will I do?
The walk home was full of excitement and paparazzi - Izzy got to see Bono from U2 exit the Park Hyatt. It was a "BIG DEAL"

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