Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Don't Worry Izzy, I will pick it up....

Everyday when I come home from work, Izzy opens the "child proof" locks on the kitchen cabinets and takes out all of the Tupperware complete with lids. This goes on for almost an hour. She sits there, plays with each lid, stacks them, knocks them down, spreads them out and when Baxie comes near she shakes her finger and goes "No, No, No, No!"
I keep on eye on the clock and then frantically run around and put it all back before BOB comes home from work. I probably would not let her get away with it, but it gives me a chance to chop things up for dinner and get it going AND it makes her happy. I can keep a close eye on her while I am cooking.
I don't remember this, but when I was little, my mom tells me I used to shove playing cards one by one down the heat register. When I was older and moved out, she told me she found a deck of cards at the bottom : )
I know this is only the beginning of quirky things.....and while it frustrates you...all you can do is SMILE.... : )

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