Thursday, December 31, 2009

Smile = Priceless

Every morning, on my walk or bicycle ride to work, I pass an art gallery in which there is an elderly man standing there - sweeping, shoveling snow or cleaning something up. When I walk past, I smile at him - say GOOD MORNING and have a good day. He smiles back with his MILLION dollar smile and tells me to have a good day too.
I look forward to seeing him everyday. WHY? Because when I smile at him, he smiles back at me and shares the same enthusiam about life as I. When I don't see him in the morning - my day is not as bright. I get a bit sad that I did not see him.
Last week when I saw him on Christmas Eve, I said HI - Merry Christmas - give me a HUG!! The first time I had contact with him other than riding past and yelling HI have a good day or HELLO!
Would you believe this HI and have a good day has been going on for the past 2 1/2 years,and I didn't know this man formally until TODAY - December 31, 2009. It was odd that the person who was brightening my day for all this time - I didn't even know his name!
This morning, as I walked past, he jumped out and said HELLO...and I said HELLO, Happy New Year!! I said, "you know, I have been saying good morning to you everyday for the past 2 1/2 years and i don't even know your name!" I introduced myself and his name is Willie! He handed me a beautiful gift bag with a bottle of shiraz and i said Thank you - this was unneccesary and I love shiraz!
He explained to me that he hated his job, but everyday he looked forward to seeing my smile, that I am always so bright and full of sunshine. He looked forward to coming to work, just to smile and wish a good day. And I equally explained to him that although I love my job, he brightens my day when he smiles back at me and tells me to have a good day.
After this happened this morning, I immediately called bob to share the great news and he said - it sounds like you two are dating! And I said HA! Bob walks past the same art gallery on his way to work and knows the man I am referring to. And when I don't see Willie - I tell Bob that I was bummed I didn't get to say HI! Have a good day!!
All in all, I am used to being everyone else's SUNSHINE! I often times, brighten others days. But today, he brightened my day - and it warmed my heart and felt good for the soul!

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