Monday, September 27, 2010

Project Candy Bar

2 weeks to sell 5 boxes of candy you think we can do it? When I picked Izzy up from school today, I was handed a heavy bag with: "Mrs. Vail, it's candy bar time and you need to work on selling these." My immediate response was: What? Are you serious? You want me to sell candy bars? For what??!!
"Mrs. Vail, the candy bar sales benefit the school - for your child Isabella. Now would you like me to carry them to the car for you?" No - no thanks - I just wanted to know WHY I needed to sell these things. For cry eye - WHY on earth do they hand a pregnant woman 5 boxes of candy bars? I am bound to eat at least half - especially since I am craving sweets! Speaking of - I better be good - my sugar glucose test is bright and early tomorrow morning. I get to drink the sugary liquid, sit for an hour and then give blood.
If you would like to buy a candy bar to benefit twinkle toes pictured above - we have milk chocolate, chocolate with almond, crunch, dark chocolate, and caramel. They are $1 each and help to maintain updated educational materials and equipment, all of which stimulate and challenge (twinkle toes pictured above) emotionally, physically, intellectually and last but not least socially.
Let us know if you are interested...I had one and it was YUMMY....and we just got them today.

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