Thursday, December 23, 2010

Izzy's First Day of Work with Daddy


Bob took Iz kid to work with him today and by the looks of it, she is having a grand time! Hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve already! Pretty soon, Isabella will have a little sister to play with! Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Where in the World does Aunt Dawn live?

And no, it's not Florida!! I don't have a DVD player in my car that sucks Isabella into this little world and that plays Tigger or Little Einsteins. So what do Isabella and I talk about on her ride home from school? Well, we sing or we play where in the world is everyone? Yep, I'm OLD SCHOOL! Betcha your wishing you could go on a car ride with me right about now : )
I decided to give Isabella a little test when we got home on where Aunt Dawn and Sydney live....but for some reason, she keeps going back to Florida and Grandma Chug. She can't seem to get California........

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Rainbows & Butterflies

Unexplained Behavoir AND a NEW Milestone

It's another day in the Vail household. I come home from work, Isabella climbs in her highchair and wants dinner right NOW!! I prepare it, take it over to her and then I attempt to get our dinner started. As I turn around from the stove, I see her with her dress hiked up on top of her highchair in this pose with her mouth shoved FULL of food. I should be mad but I find this behavoir so odd that all I can do is chuckle to myself, grab my camera and capture this moment...because I am in complete shock.
Odd behavoir moment number two: Bob drops Isabella off at school. The teacher, Mrs. Sheerhan says: "Bob, you know all of the kids will be gathered around our circle real quiet and then all of a sudden Isabella will start singing songs to everyone. And then everyone will start laughing and then singing with her." After hearing this - I just had to ask Mrs. Sheerhan in the evening when I picked Izzy up - WHAT songs is she singing? Thankfully, her response was that Isabella sings Twinkle Twinkle little star or I know my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me. With a sigh of RELIEF, I SMILE and am thankful she is not singing Lady GaGa's "Poker Face."
NEW MILESTONE: Isabella got tested again for her four allergies - which would include milk, soy, eggs and rice. The last time she was tested was January of 2010. Her results showed that she is now ONLY allergic to milk and eggs. So we went from being allergic to 4 things to 2! What great news!
For the first time in two years, Isabella is no longer drinking formula AT ALL. She now drinks soy milk daily and seems to be taking it well. She is eating more food! I still feel really bad that she can't enjoy the simple things we do such as cheese, pizza, creamy pasta dishes, ice-cream, scrambled eggs, yogurt and so much more. Hopefully in time, she will outgrow these two major allergies just as she has outgrown her allergies to soy and rice.

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...