Saturday, February 12, 2011

Let's just call her......BOOTS

Last weekend, I went to the grocery store and left both kiddos at home. I came home, only to find Isabella on the couch. Naked. With only her furry boots and hat on. Who does that in the middle of a Saturday afternoon? Just takes their clothes off and then sits their bum on the couch with just boots and a hat? Isabella.
This Saturday....I run downstairs to grab the baby and a bottle. I come back upstairs and Isabella has her Paul Frank yellow rubber rain boots on and a bottle of A&D Ointment in her hands. She is rubbing the A&D ointment vigourously all over her face.
This evening, Bob and I were cooking dinner together and Isabella disappeared. I went to find her - only this time - she had taken off her pants, left her shirt on and again - had on the yellow rubber rain boots.
While I don't really like shoes on in the house...I tell myself - it's not like she went outside in the mud or outside with them for that matter. She enjoys wearing them.....
She even went to bed with them on tonight....she just HAD to wear them to bed. At least she didn't wear her hat to bed too. So today, her nickname is BOOTS!

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