Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just like a SPRING day

the sun was shining. the birdies were singin. the trees have buds on them. the tulips and daffodils are coming up. so why not go outside and play? I thought it was a brilliant idea and decided I would take Izzy and Baxie with me to get some fresh air. I wanted to clean out the flower beds and pick up some sticks in the yard.
I thought for sure my little Izzy would like helping me pick up sticks and leaves. I never learn. The whole thing went wrong. First, it didn't feel like a spring day, it was COLD. 35 degrees and windy to be exact. I went and got my tools to clean up, had just started - then Baxie disappeared. I asked Izzy to call for Baxie. So she did. Baxie was way back in the neighbors yard, so Isabella went over there running after him. Then he decided he wanted to make a game out of her chasing him, so he ran to the other neighbors house. And she followed. Isabella wouldn't leave the neighbors yard until Baxie came with. So I had to beg him to come home by promising a TREAT. He gave in.
I got both of them home and then Izzy put 1 stick in the cart and complained it was ICKY. Jeezzz..... is all I can mutter under my breath. What a girlie girl. Then she wanted her gloves. So I went inside and got her gloves. I started back with cleaning the flower bed (after 3 attempts now) and then she wanted to go on the swing. By this time, I have only picked up about 15 sticks, got ZERO flower beds cleaned out and half an hour has gone by.
At that point, I realize A) it's really too cold outside to be cleaning up anything and B) I'm not going to get anything done with these 2 tricksters who ONLY want to PLAY cat and mouse.
I SMILE and walk over to the swing and listen to the LAUGHTER of my little Isabella. Baxie just sat by the tree and watched us.......I guess those sticks will have to wait until another day.

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