Monday, April 11, 2011

All In a Partial Days Work, or should I say PLAY

Caught baxie rolling around on the deck in something. Stared into Giselle's baby blue eyes. Let Izzy put on her rain coat and boots and frolic with the water hose. Planted seedlings with Izzy - peppers and sunflowers. Will watch them grow in the weeks to come. Made homemade butternut squash soup while Izzy sat on the counter eating grapes as I chopped everything up. Drew endless hearts with Isabella on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. Watched the windmill go round and round. Put out corn on the deck and watched the red cardinals eat it. Read 3 different story books to Giselle and Isabella. Walked outside and took a whiff of those beautiful yellow daffodils. Laughed at the crazy mail lady who drives like a bat out of you know where each and every day....Girl likes to rock out to her music and hustle that mail!
All in a days work or should I say play and it's only 2 p.m. My mom asked me earlier on the phone if I was enjoying my new schedule. Are you kidding me? Of course I am! I wouldn't be able to enjoy all of the fun things listed above, capture these memories with my eyes or experience those deep belly laughs from my kiddos sitting behind the desk.

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