Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter forecast = 90% chance of cute

Can you believe that next week is Easter? I can't. It dawned on me today during the middle of the day that perhaps I needed to start gathering the items for the girl's Easter baskets.
When I was a little girl, I remember waking up to an Easter basket filled with goodies by our spiral staircase. It was always something fun or needed accompanied by yummy candy. I always looked forward to Easter. I remember grandma's colorful hard boiled eggs in my fun basket. I never liked hard boiled eggs but thought it was always special - the extra effort that she took the time to color eggs for our Easter basket.
So where am I going with all of this? Now that Isabella is getting older and understands the Easter bunny, I should probably start a tradition or two. Maybe leaving a trail of cotton balls to her Easter basket and telling her the bunny left poop? Just kidding. How about coloring eggs? We did that last year and she seemed to enjoy it.
I went to Toys R Us today after work and to be honest, as a thirty something year old woman, I was overwhelmed. I can only imagine WHAT the little ones feel emotionally when they walk through those doors. ALL of those TOYS!! Everything I looked at, I justified NOT getting. The bouncy balls filled with different characters - baxie would chew those up. The shopping cart - she wouldn't be able to carry it up and down the stairs - which she would try to do. The play-do - it would go all over the walls. I felt like I needed Bob there. Because he just strolls into those places and comes home with things and doesn't think another thing about it. And maybe that is what I need to do, but instead I over think the logistics of the toys.......
All in all, I am excited to make baskets for my girls. I am excited to see their faces light up (or at least one of them who is old enough to understand). I walked out of Toys R Us with 2 kites (I know old school - but still FUN - right??!!), a strawberry shortcake doll, a couple of dresses, and a cake kit for Isabella to make cakes with. We shall find what works : )
I do know that we will have a fun Easter egg hunt, pretty dresses, some YUMMY ham, scalloped potato's, a green bean casserole and maybe just maybe I will be adventurous and rock out some deviled eggs or a pineapple upside down cake.

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