Sunday, July 03, 2011

Happy 6 Month Birthday Baby Giselle Eloise!

Today marked Giselle Eloise's 6 month birthday! Can you believe it?! We spent the day celebrating her beautiful birth and spending time with one another. It was a gorgeous day out with not a cloud in the sky, so we took advantage and made it a pool day. Yah!! Water balloons were flying everywhere and I was lucky enough to catch it with my camera. Everyone was afraid to get splashed!
Afterwards, we enjoyed some ribs and chicken on the grill with a fresh, house salad. Then, we all went on a family bike ride. Whew!
Now time for french silk pie and fireworks! YUMMY! Hope you all are enjoying this nice, long holiday weekend with your family and friends!
P.S. Thanks grandma chug for introducing coca cola to she wants it all of the time when she sees it!! Hee hee!

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