Saturday, September 24, 2011

Giselle - Almost 9 months old

Three-quarters of the way through my baby’s first year and there is hardly a trace of that tiny bundle I brought home from the hospital just nine months ago. Now she is a mobile, vocal, and very enterprising adventurer.
She stands up on her own and it seems as though she is almost ready to walk. She is babbling away with "Mama" and "Dada." She has separation anxiety when you put her down. Strangers make her cry.
I, as well as Bob are embracing every single moment. We both realize that soon Baby G will be walking. No more will she want to be held or even a HUG. She will be on to bigger and brighter things such as walking and exploring. WAY more exciting than mom and dad. Even more exciting to big sister Isabella who will soon have a play buddy to keep up with.
We enjoy loving up on her any chance we get in between working, chores or running errands. As always, I love capturing photos, especially when their this little. ENJOY!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Party Celebration Isabella

Today we had Isabella's 3rd birthday party celebration with the family. I think there is something special about getting everyone together, especially the grandparents. (Today is grandparent's day!) I remember when my grandmothers and grandfather used to come over for my birthday and I used to get soooo excited. Grandma Nanny would always play with my hair and teach me things (sooo nice), Grandpa Gus would always be the trickster and get a smirk on his face and laugh so hard (loved it)... Grandma Betty would always wear her crisp white collared shirt and bake something super yummy. They all warmed my heart and filled my soul with their unconditional love and always made me feel super special.
And Isabella LIGHTS up like a Christmas tree when she knows her grandparents are coming. Which is really cute and special for us to see. Keeping up with tradition, we took our classic group photo, which I also equally love. Isabella got lots of fun gifts today and of COURSE CUPCAKES. I had in tented on baking a cake as well, but ran out of eggs, then I cleaned the kitchen, ran to the grocery store and lost my mo-jo to pursue that cake. She devoured 2 cupcakes - only the frosting.
Thank you all for coming today and all of Isabella's gifts. I hope you continue to enjoy this beautiful weather!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Happy Third Birthday Sweet Isabella Marie Vail!

Good Morning & Happy 3rd Birthday! Such a special day starting out with a vanilla frosted donut with sprinkles. Followed by SunFlower PoWer with grandma & grandpa koditek. Crisp three dollar bills from grandpa. LIGHT up shoes. How cool! A dolphin show. The ZOO. A special pasta dinner from homegrown tomatos out of grandpa dale's garden. CUPCAKES! Comfty Cozies from Aunt Dawn & Uncle Mark & Sydney. A dolphin show. A John Deere tractor complete with a trailor!! I sure don't remember being three years old.....but Isabella sure enjoyed her special day....especially since daddy took a day off of work, just to be with her on her special day.....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...