Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Girl After My Own Heart

This beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired baby girl is a girl after my own heart. Every single time I see her, she always welcomes me or whomever with a smile and it brightens my/their whole world or day. She gives the best kisses ever. She is still learning what a hug means. One of my most favorite characteristic's of all about her is she LOVES to EAT. All day every day. As my grandmother used to say..."I love watching people eat." I find that I LOVE watching others eat as well. She is a girl after my own heart! To see their faces light up with joy as they enjoy something, so passionately, so effervescently. My love for food began while watching my father cook so passionately and eating tasty, new dishes, continuing on to learn most of my grandmother's recipes and learning those secrets. I always looked forward to my fathers Sunday dishes - always so creative with a new spin each time, a new creation accompanied by a homemade bread. Super YUMMY. I was always intrigued wondering what the next dish would be, always a great, tasty surprise. With the seasonings, tying up meat, the bread creations and the numerous new ingredients in the house. I had several favorites of my mother's dishes as well. Fried chicken, spaghetti, meatloaf and so much more! Isabella does not light up when she eats food, instead she frowns upon it. Perhaps this will change with time, especially with all of her food allergies. We continue to try. Baby G on the other hand, lights up like a Christmas tree and gets SO EXCITED about food. I captured her with her jaws full and then a picture of her after she just ate dinner. ENJOY!

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