Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Vail's Headed West

we jumped in our vehicle as a family and headed out west, almost like the griswald's. The car was so packed that we were busting at the seam's!
Our plan of attack was to head to the Telluride Bluegrass Festival and camp in Colorado for three days for the music festival. Nestled in the rugged San Juan Mountains and surrounded on three sides by the natural architecture of the Telluride Box Canyon, Telluride is arguably the most spectacular town in the American West. And what a beautiful sight it WAS that both girls got to experience and hear. They had live music playing in the mountains from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. John Fogerty was by far MY FAVORITE. He ROCKED THE HOUSE. The girls got to experience glow sticks at night for the first time! On our way, we stopped at Estes Park. Where we did some mountain climbing and enjoyed the sights. At one point, we drove up a one-way dirt trail for 9 miles close to the mountain edge only to climb 11,796 feet! Bob is scared of heights and was scared to death to drive up, but once we got to the top - IT WAS AMAZING! Giselle and Isabella embraced the snow, the wind and most importantly, THE BEAUTY! Rocky Mountain National Park, the fifth most visited park in the United States is one of the country's top wildlife destinations. What a fun trip! We did crafts, we sang songs, took the gondola up into the mountains, hiked, stopped at the famous Stanley Hotel that they say is haunted, hiked some more, drank LOTS of water, played MAD LIBS in the car together, laughed with friends, rocked out some live music, enjoyed the beautiful wildlife, tried some new things and got LOTS OF SMILES FROM BABY G and ISABELLA. What more could you ask for. Here are a few videos and pictures from the trip.

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