Thursday, January 03, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Giselle Eloise!

Two years ago today, I was shopping with my mother in a furniture store for couches and in labor. I remember it like it was yesterday! Several hours later, a beautiful blond haired girl was welcomed into our world, Giselle Eloise. The nurses all commented on her hair, telling us that it looked like she just came out of the salon, complete with high and low lights. Although we call her Baby G, she is not a baby anymore. : (

Happy 2nd Birthday Giselle Eloise Vail! Giselle is always full of smiles, she does the happy dance when it comes time to eating and sleeping and boy does she LOVE shoes. She prances around the house weekly in different pairs of shoes.

Most recently, she has enjoyed sumo wrestling her sister while taking a bath, complete with pinning her down all while laughing. She loves the movie LORAX and has watched it about 50 times. At least. About two months ago, she began toilet training and is doing AWESOME with that.

Day by day, we enjoy hearing her vocabulary blossom, probably thanks to her big sister, Isabella. Giselle LOVES to DANCE. Put on some music and she has moves like Jagger. She LOVES to have someone READ her a story and then she wants the book placed in her crib before she goes to sleep.

Watching baby G blossom has filled our days with sunshine and LOTS of laughs! Today, she enjoyed her birthday with her friends and we celebrated together as a family this evening with dinner, cake and presents.
Soups - at the end of your VM, you said "Love you Giselle, eat lots of cake." She looked at the phone with a big SMILE and said LOVE YOU TOO!
Happy 2nd Birthday sweet Giselle. We LOVE YOU XOXOXOXOXO

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