Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kohl's Children Museum

So my mother asked what baby g and Isabella wanted or needed for Christmas.  And I replied...a membership to any museum or aquarium or zoo.  WHY?  Because it is the gift that keeps on GIVING.  Beyond past clothes or toys.  It encourages young children to become effective learners.  Everyone remembers EXPERIENCES in life! Right?
So Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chug bought the girls a membership for the Kohl's Children Museum, effective for the year and off we went today.  The museum provides a world where children can play, explore and learn in an environment built SPECIFICALLY for them.  And it's perfect for these cold, winter days when you can't really go outside and play.
The girls SMILES warmed our souls, and I know if the grandparents were there today, it would have warmed their souls just the same.  ENDLESS SMILES all day as we ran around from exhibit to exhibit.  I love watching the girls learn and smile from ear to ear.  We took the girls early in the morning, then brought them home late in the afternoon and we even missed nap time.  They were spent by the end of the day, but boy did they have fun.  Sisterly love, always watching out for one another : )   Thank you Grandpa Dale & Grandma Chug for the gift that creates memories and will forever leave a lasting impression.  Enjoy the photos from the day! XOXOXOX

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