Thursday, May 30, 2013

Getting Away For An Evening

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Bob and I decided to get out of town for a day and take the girls to Holland, Michigan.  For that day, we lived the dutch legacy and so much more. 

We visited a tulip farm that had just been ablaze with acres of tulips.  We danced with the klompen dancers.  We watched wooden shoes being carved.  Isabella went zip lining for the very first time.  We ate ice cream together in Adirondack chairs on the street.  Isabella and Giselle had rainbow sherbet.  Off the beaten path, we went hiking in the woods.  Then we stopped at the beach, rolled our pants up and swished our feet around in the sand.  Let the cold Lake Michigan water hit our feet.  Went swinging.  Took a few laps in the pool and Jacuzzi.  You name it, we tried to knock it out in that day.  Additionally, we stopped off in Saugatuck, MI and St. Joseph on the way home and tooled around their downtown area.  The girls had a blast.

As we got closer to home, we passed a carnival and I asked Bob if he wanted to stop for the girls.  He looked over at me and said "Don't you think we have done a zillion activities ALREADY?"
And he was right, we had ROCKED it out.  But I always try to live as if each day is my last, as you never know what tomorrow brings.  Never put off till tomorrow what you can do or accomplish today.  Right?!  We were having so much fun seeing the girls laugh and play that I didn't want it to stop : ) Here are a few pictures from the weekend.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spring is IN THE AIR

Everything has turned green, the girls are enjoying their swing set and they are anxiously awaiting the pool to open.  Chasing butterflies.  Picking flowers.  Smiling.  Riding their tractors.  Sidewalk chalk.   All they want to do is spend time outside playing and I love it.  Happy Sunday....

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...