Sunday, May 08, 2011

To Mother....I Love You

It turned out to be a beautiful mother's day. Started off with two very special cards that warmed my heart from my little ones with their hand prints and a poem:
Sometimes you get discouraged because I am so small
And always leaving my fingerprints on furniture and walls
But everyday I'm growing up and soon I'll be so tall
Then all those little hand prints will be hard to recall
So here's a final hand print that I give you today
So you will remember how my fingers looked this May 8, 2011, Mother's Day
Love Giselle and Isabella
Bob surprised me this morning with beautiful flowers and some really awesome mother's day gifts. Then he asked me what I wanted for breakfast and lunch, as he would cook for I said, I want a bowl of honey nut cheerios for breakfast and a nice, char-grilled hot dog for lunch. Both were really YUMMY I must say.
Then, I took my girls to the park to fly a kite and it was really fun for about five minutes. Isabella wanted to hold the kite and I said OKAY BUT YOU HAVE TO HOLD ON TO IT REALLY TIGHT OR IT WILL GET AWAY. She lasted about two minutes and then off the penguin kite went and wrapped around the power lines. I bet you that kite is still flying high above the church with the beautiful day we are having today.
Lastly, we stained the deck for a few hours while the girls were sleeping. Now time to love up on my little munchkins and make a yummy dinner.
I hope all of you are enjoying your mother's day as well.

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