Monday, July 22, 2013

Look Mom, No Cavities!

A Visit to the Dentist Off to the dentist I nervously go Wondering what My x-rays will show The nurse calls my name And I follow her in She smiles at me With a big toothy grin I climb in the chair Open my mouth up wide Hoping and praying No cavities hide The dentist looks in And says, "It's easy to see, You've done so well brushing You're cavity free." Baby G and Isabella went to the dentist over the weekend and both were cavity free! Wahoo!!! Cheers to another great 6 months of brushing, rinsing and flossing. Eyes are the first thing noticed by individuals followed by smile/teeth (so why not wear sunglasses when you get your teeth cleaned?), keep up the good work maintaining a healthy smile!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Strawberry Pickin

Isabella just finished pickin strawberries out of the backyard and is super happy! It is one of her favorite fruits, next to cantaloupe. BIG SMILES.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

4th of July 2013

A long weekend shared with family and friends to celebrate independence day. Where do we start? Well on the 3rd, Daddy took Bella to work for the day and boy did she have fun in the big city where she was born. She got to take the train downtown and later, we were able to meet up for lunch and were treated to the Rainforest Café experience. Lots of animals, waterfalls and ACTION! Later that evening, we got together with friends in which we took the girls to the fireworks in town. Isabella LOVED the action, however Baby G did NOT like the fireworks and vomited all over everyone in fear. I am thinking that by the time she turns 3 years old, she will love it. Or maybe not. On the 4th, we packed up the car and joined our friends at Michigan City Beach where we barbequed, played volleyball and shared lots of SMILES. The girls had such a great time playing in the sand. On the 5th, the boys went fishing while the girls stayed back and the kids played by the pool. By evening, we enjoyed the fresh catches of the day. On Saturday, we had a fish fry in which friends and family got together and ate some yummy food. Grandpa Dale and Grandma Chug know how to make mouths happy with their yummy treats! On Sunday, (whew) it was time to relax and refresh. I was out of commission for a couple of days and didn't get to take as many pictures as I would have liked, however here are a few pictures from the weekend...until I went down for the count. Bob bought some fireworks for the weekend and we never did get a chance to light them off, but maybe soon. Until next time....

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

They Go BANANAS over Tristan!

Over the weekend, the girls got a chance to get together with their cousin and they go BANANAS over Tristan! Sunday funday with the family. Smiles, Laughs, Food, Swimming, Sunshine and Love! What more can you ask for in LIFE?

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...