Friday, November 01, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Can you believe it is November 1st already? I sure can't! Yesterday was Halloween and Isabella dressed as Jessie from Toy Story and Giselle was a witch. They had a party at school, then came home to trick or treat. Traditionally, we borrow the neighbors golf cart and take the girls trick or treating around the area. Allyson and Baxter usually come with us. The golf cart was not charged though and it was raining outside, so that threw a wrench in our plans. Baxie did not go with us this year because of the rain. Isabella was rocking it out and was having so much fun! Giselle on the other hand, did not want to walk in the rain with her little legs and only lasted about 20 minutes(I don't blame her). So we wrapped up Halloween at the Fernandes house, in which all the neighbors came together and we had chili, corn bread and Bob's homemade apple pie. Until next year.......

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