Thursday, November 07, 2013

Baby G, not such a baby anymore....?

Did you know that 1/3 of American children are still in disposable diapers after their third birthday? A full-time diapered baby averages 5,000-8,000 diaper changes before the completion of potty training..... I can't tell you how many diaper changes we have done (take the statistic above and multiply it by 2, but you don't count when it is your loved ones!), however I will tell you that Bob and I are super excited that miss Giselle Eloise is down to ONE diaper per day. And she wears one to bed at night only because she is too scared to go to the bathroom by herself. This is perfectly understandable considering she is under 3 years old. I imagine everything looks super dark and scary at night and she may be afraid of a "boogy" man or something. We shall overcome this milestone soon. Meanwhile, what do we call her now as her nickname? Bob calls her "G" (which makes me think of TOO SHORT or JAY Z), I still call her "Baby G" and so does Iz. I am not a big fan of "Gi-Gi" and know that we cannot continue to call her "Baby G" forever. Any ideas? CHEERS to a special girl, who celebrates a super special GOLDEN birthday in about 2 months. 1.3.11. I was speaking with someone today and they were not even aware that golden birthdays existed. When I heard this, I was super thankful that our mother made our golden birthdays special. Some do not celebrate I guess. Then I was told that they were celebrating their "golden" wedding anniversary and I was like WAIT?!!!!! There are golden anniversaries too? There is never a day that we do not learn something new and potty training is one of them. Good Job Giselle! It's like a super BIG DEAL!!!

1 comment:

  1. How about Ellie. It's a combo of Gisele & Eloise.


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