Friday, January 03, 2014

Happy GOLDEN 3rd Birthday GISELLE Eloise!

We are talking about a very special, unique, once in a lifetime, Golden Birthday that marks the day when an age matches a birth date. All that glitters is GOLD! Giselle woke up to her room filled with golden balloons and a beautiful princess dress to wear on her birthday. I asked her if she wanted to take some photos for her 3rd birthday in her new did a little mini photo shoot in the living room. And she was all SMILES! After that, I took the girls to play at an indoor play place and followed it up with a nap. They were EXHAUSTED to say the least. Later for dinner, we took Giselle for her favorite food (pizza) where the balloon man made her a birthday crown. And what would be complete on a birthday without cake and ice cream!! Giselle is such a sweet, compassionate, yet TOUGH little girl! She is very social and loves to sleep and eat! If I had to look into a crystal ball, I would say this girl is going to be great in sports and may just get a scholarship in sports and ROCK IT! Thank you all for wishing her a HAPPY GOLDEN birthday and here are some pictures from her SPECIAL day today. You are only 3 once and you only have a GOLDEN birthday ONCE in your WHOLE LIFE!!!

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