Thursday, January 30, 2014

Their FURCULA kind of evening......

I don't know about you all but when I was a little girl, my sister and I looked forward to this tradition. Each year, after my parents had cooked a super yummy Thanksgiving dinner, they would save the "wishbone" until it dried out and then my sister and I would make a wish and break it to see who got the larger piece! Now, for those of you that don't know about this, let me tell you. In 15th Century Europe it was thought that the wishbone could be used to predict the weather. Nowadays, once removed from the turkey or chicken, the wishbone is dried and then held between the little fingers of two opposing "wishers". Once the wish has been made the bone is pulled by each person. The wisher who breaks off a larger section of bone is assumed to have their wish granted. Alternatively, the winner of this contest may choose to transfer the fragment of the wishbone, along with the wish, to a person of his or her choosing. Why am I just talking about this now when Thanksgiving was in November and it is now January? Well, I wanted to make sure the bone was nice and DRY so it would just break. There is no bigger bummer than pulling on the furcula when it is not dried out yet! I have had it sitting on my kitchen window sill since Thanksgiving day. So on this cold January evening, I decided it was time to educate the girls about the wishbone and let their new tradition begin. Why not make a wish to see if it comes true??!!! They were super excited about it. Well, you will see....Giselle was not too excited about it. (I secretly forgot that the terrible 2's are not the worst - it is the 3's! Just tonight, she climbed on top of her bed, grabbed a glass piggy bank off of a shelf filled with change and threw it across the room at her sister Isabella. Needless to say, change and glass were everywhere. Thankfully Isabella missed the pig throw) Totally got the concept. They each made their wish and guess what. Isabella got the bigger piece of the bone. May her wish come true!!!

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