Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Escape out of Chiberia to Ixtapa, Mexico

We couldn't take the cold weather and snowy conditions anymore and had to escape to break the cabin fever! So we jumped on a plane and headed to Ixtapa, passports in hand. It was Giselle's very first airplane ride at 3 years old! Bob and I were both lucky traveling to and from, as we each had an empty seat next to us so the girls were able to completely lay down and relax on the airplane. We had only booked one room with a bed and pull out couch but once we got there, we discovered they upgraded us to two bedrooms with an adjoining door = BONUS! I can't even begin to explain how much fun the girls had or even how much fun we had watching them be so excited while on vacation. The resort that we stayed at had so many activities for the girls...just to name a few that they participated in were: a family sand castle competition on the beach, slip and slide on the beach, a piƱata party, a talent show, circus activities and so much more. Bob and I took Isabella kayaking, in which I accidentally flipped everyone off the kayak...whoopsies. We took the girls on a sunset cruise, which was breath taking. They enjoyed sitting on the big net on the front of the boat and made several friends! Most everyone on the boat was doing shots of tequila, so several passengers decided to dress our kids up in sombreros and ponchos and feed them candy necklaces - they loved every second. On another day we took them swimming with the dolphins. Isabella really enjoyed the show and the dolphins. She didn't want to feed them or kiss them but at least she touched them. Giselle wanted nothing to do with the dolphins. If I was 3 and super little I probably wouldn't want to either. She was still a trooper throughout the show and had her award winning SMILE from ear to ear. All in all, it was a great 2nd family vacation - the first was to Colorado on our road trip camping! It was a great balance of relaxing yet fun adventures. I can't wait to go on another! Here are a few pictures from IXTAPA!!

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...