Monday, April 07, 2014

So What's New?

Well, let me tell you. For starters, Isabella had her doctor's check up for kindergarten. She is 5 years old and weighs 42 1/2 pounds and her height is 44 1/2. She could use to gain a few pounds but for anyone who knows her, she eats on her own time clock. Giselle on the other hand, eats ALL AROUND THE CLOCK. All day, everyday. Giselle is becoming quite the socialite these days. For example, on a recent Sunday, I took her to Menards and I had her in the shopping cart sitting down. Upon walking in the door, there were a group of 3 men, in which she stood up in the cart (at 3 years old) and smiled and waved as she said "Hey boys, how ya doin?" I don't ever have to worry about conversation with strangers when I take this girl out because she is SURE to make conversation with EVERYONE and 9 times out of 10, she makes me BLUSH. Which is hard to do by the way! Isabella had her spring musical last week in which they sang several Easter songs. She always gets so excited to dress up and perform...and speaking of dressing up and performing...Lately, the girls have been dressing up to bake in the kitchen. Most recently, we made peanut butter kiss cookies and rugalach (one of my all time FAVORITE desserts!) together. They LOVE to help in the kitchen and even around the house! And lastly, the creamery opened (YEAH!), so we had our first ice cream cone of the season and boy was it GOOD! Hope you are all doing well! XOXOXOX

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