Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Giselle Eloise Turns 4 Years Old!

On Saturday, January 3, 2015, Giselle turned 4 years old. From the moment she stepped out of bed, this little girl was ALL SMILES! For her birthday, we planned a party at PUMP IT UP (where you can jump all around on giant inflatable slides, etc.) and invited all of her friends from school. About 13 little ones came to her party, including her cousin Tristan. They jumped around for about an hour and a half and then they all shared pizza and cake in the party room. Giselle wanted a "Frozen" cake with Elsa and Anna and Olaf, so she got one! She was so cute, she would open the card first, name who the gift was from and then open the gift. After the opening of each gift, she would look at the little boy or girl and say THANK YOU! Big sister Isabella sure was her helper at the party. She handed her each gift to open and also passed out cake to everyone at the party. Later that day, we wanted to take her out to dinner and SHE LOVES cheeseburgers. We took her to Red Robin where she devoured that cheeseburger and french fries. Afterwards, the staff came over to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her and gave her a sundae. CHEERS to another year older Giselle and me not getting any younger : ( When I was a little girl, I used to think that time went by SO SLOW. Now that I am not so little anymore it just FLIES BY.

FIRST DAY of School Photos

 I am surrounded by empty nesters.  For now, I am still celebrating the firsts.  There are always firsts in life...right? I have never been ...