Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pity, Kitty and Teddy

When you were a little boy or girl do you remember having a little friend that meant the world to you? I do. My buddy was PITY. It was a little pillow that I slept with every night. For Giselle, it is Teddy. Every week for 6 months, she has taken him to show and tell at school. She sleeps with him and takes him everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I am not kidding. In the car to run errands, shopping, outside playing, this girl can't get enough of TEDDY. He is the end all and be all. Isabella has KITTY. I remember when she was 2 years old and we were in a store and she just had to have kitty. Years later, kitty goes everywhere. And sleeping would not be the same without him! What is it about little special friends that makes little girls adore them?

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