Friday, February 12, 2016

Back to BLOGGING and Let's talk about TEETH

You never really know how much you miss something until you stop doing it or it's gone. For me, it was blogging about these two little munchkins in this crazy adventure, we all call life. My laptop was on the fritz for most of last year. My oh my how time flies, I have not wrote a post since April 2015! NOW I have a brand spanking new one and I am back in business, no excuses! WAHOOOOO NOW...let's talk about TEETH. As you can see in the picture below, BLONDIE here has trained her sister to brush her teeth for her. HA!!! This makes me laugh for so many reasons. Giselle knows how to charm people....and she is 5 years old.
Today, I took both girls for their annual 6 month cleaning at the dentist office. Can you guess which little girl cried the entire time and begged the dentist NOT to clean her teeth? Can you also guess which little girl happily jumped in the chair and laughed and giggled the entire time? Let's see how well you know your girls : ) A little brain teaser for the day. Turns out, Isabella was not blessed with good teeth. Bob told me today that she has the VAIL teeth. Thanks a lot VAILS!! She got an x-ray done of her mouth and where do we start? Two major issues. First, her upper maxilla is smaller than her lower maxilla. The upper maxilla is ALWAYS supposed to be larger than the lower maxilla. We have scheduled a consultation with an orthodontist. More than likely, they will insert a palatal expander used to widen the upper jaw (maxilla) so that the bottom and upper teeth will fit together better. Second, her teeth are very crowded and are all growing into one another. Which means there is a 99.9% chance that Isabella will be getting braces around 12 years old. Giselle does not appear to have any dental issues at this point in time. AND both girls successfully still have NO CAVITIES. Amen to that. A healthy mouth is a HAPPY mouth. Until next time...........

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