Thursday, June 23, 2016

Last Day of Camp Hollywood. Until next year!

Today was the last day of Camp Hollywood for Girl Scouts in Messenger Woods.  Yesterday, our camp was cancelled due to the weather and we made up for our rain date today!  Today was FUN DAY and we did not have to cook over a fire.  Instead, we had dinner catered in which included beef sandwiches, macaroni and cheese and lots of watermelon!  During the day, we had lots of activities that included making SANDY CANDY (yes, there is actually a candy called Sandy Candy!  HOW FUN!), crafts, Olympic games, Hollywood photos, a dance off between the girls, more SWAPS and saying our good-byes. 

Giselle was excited for camp every day and woke up, got herself dressed, prepared her backpack and was ready to head out the door.  I can’t wait to see if she is this excited for kindergarten.  Isabella really enjoyed making new friends, the water fights, the hikes and SWAPS.  Giselle and Isabella are sure going to miss their friends that they made at camp this week. For me, I am going to miss all of the girls…each and every one of them….Kennedy, Molly, Audrey, Kaitlyn, Riley, Chloe, Sarah, Victoria, Eden, Peyton, Gia, Oreo, Giggles, Sparkles, Alexis, Kim, Emma, Lindsay, Kailey, Mireyna and Vanessa! 

Volunteering this week for all of these girls (including my little ones) proved to be challenging, yet rewarding and I am ending this hot summer week with my heart filled with love and joy.  It was our first year attending/volunteering Girl Scout camp and I am really glad I got to see the “inside” of how camp works and all the hands that go into making camp run successful! 

I gave endless piggy back rides to all the girls, wiped away tears, laughed until I cried, squashed fear within the girls at times, encouraged them and so much more.  I am thankful that I was allowed this opportunity to share an amazing week with so many beautiful little girls, inside and out.  If I was still working full-time, I would have never been able to experience this adventure.  And it was an adventure, every step of the way.   I will forever cherish the memories that were created with all of the girls this week.  Until the next adventure…..You forever keep me on my toes Isabella and Giselle!  LOVE YOU BOTH!  XOXOXOXOX

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