Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

Our Valentine's Day was filled with LOTS of LOVE!  We were fortunate to go to dinner together as a family at Syl's with my mother, father and sister, where we all enjoyed a super yummy meal!  After wards, we exchanged Valentine's day cards and treats and loved up on one another.  Giselle surprised us with dirt and worms.  She spent about an hour in the yard with red solo cups digging up dirt and worms and made a cup for each one of us with our names on it.  Isabella made handmade cards for us, as she always pours out her heart in her artwork.   I love how each child has a way of showing their love and affection!  LOVE LOVE LOVE Valentine's Day and the beautiful color red and all the HEARTS.  I feel LOVED!

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