Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Pierogi Fest 2017

Did you know that there is an annual Pierogi Fest in Whiting, Indiana?  I sure didn't, that is not until I read it in the Sunday newspaper.  It has been an annual festival for 23 years that draws around 300,000 people a year from around the country and is one of the largest food festivals of the Midwest.  Who knew! Being a lover of pierogies, I was on a mission to go and eat one of every kind!
Dawn and Sydney were in town, so we packed up the truck late Saturday afternoon and headed there.  Lynn, Tom and Ella joined in on the fun too.  Once we landed, we tried loaded baked potato, sweet cheese, pizza, sauerkraut, meat and mushroom, potato and chicken pot pie.
I have to say, all of them were delicious and we may just have to add this to the calendar as an annual trip!
Cheese, Potato, Sauerkraut, and Mushroom Pierogies

Pizza Pierogi

Loaded Baked Potato Pierogies
Sydney, Isabella, Giselle and Ella enjoyed playing various games in which they all won some pretty cool prizes.
All the girls getting ready to play a game!

Sydney's Prize

Isabella's Prize

All in all, everyone walked away with happy bellies and SMILES.  A fun time was had by all.  My mouth will be watering for Pierogis until next years festival, that is for certain!!
The Frey's

Dawn & Syd getting ready to try their Pizza Pierogis

Being silly with Cousin Lynn
The group enjoying the fest!

Giselle's HUGE snow cone!

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