Sunday, November 05, 2017

EXTRA EXTRA....Read All About It!

Giselle started playing soccer again this spring and also participated in a full week of soccer summer camp.  This Fall, Giselle moved up to play with first and second graders on TEAM TEAL! 
Giselle's Trophy 2017

Homer Soccer Club Pictures 2017

Homer Horizon Newspaper Article featuring Giselle

Giselle MOVING in on the BALL, the picture featured in the newspaper!
It was great to see her grow as a player from the first week of practice this season.  Every week, Bob, Isabella and I were her biggest cheerleaders, attending every practice and game.  Her team finished 7-3 and barely got knocked out of the playoffs by losing a very tight game in the tournament this weekend, 3-2!  They gave it their all, despite the pouring rain this Saturday.  We are super proud of Giselle and she cannot wait to play again in the spring! 

I was surprised as I opened up the local newspaper, only to read about Homer Soccer Club!  The club is growing and sees plans for the future!  And WHO was pictured in the paper?  GISELLE ELOISE! ATTA GIRL!! CHECK IT OUT!!

We love watching you out there Giselle!  You are something FIERCE!  From your facial expressions, to your determination, to your skill or love of the sport, you are certainly on to something.....  XOXOXO

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