Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Happy Halloween!

We started the festivities of Halloween by having our 13th annual pumpkin painting/carving contest.  Then, Isabella's third grade class had a project where they had to pick their favorite character from a book, write a report, and also paint a pumpkin that was their favorite character.  Isabella chose to write and paint about Elsa from FROZEN.  On Monday, we went to the school where we got to see the "pumpkin parade."  It was really neat to see all the creativity those third graders put into their pumpkins and book reports. 

On Halloween, their school had a parade where first through fourth graders marched in their Halloween costumes.  Isabella was a character from Monster High (a t.v. show) and Giselle was a witch. 

We finished off the day by trick or treating in a subdivision down the street from us.  The girls lasted an hour and a half this year.  I am super proud of them, as it is always so cold on Halloween.  This year we got lucky and it was not raining!  Little Giselle always tuckers out first.  We came home and all took warm showers, ate chili out of the crock pot AND watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas."  Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
Giselle's Painted Pumpkin

The PUMPKIN Crew and all of our PUMPKINS

Isabella and her Elsa Pumpkin & Book Report

Isabella marching in the parade

Giselle marching in the parade

The girls are READY for Halloween


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